Book 3: The possiblility of an Island.
Plot summary:
There are three main characters, Daniel, and two of his clones.
Daniel is a successful comedian who can't seem to enjoy life despite his wealth. He gets bored with his hedonist lifestyle, but can't escape from it either. In the meanwhile he is disgruntled with the state of current society, and philosophizes about the nature of sex and love.
His two clones live an uneventful life as hermits, in an apocalyptic background far away in the future. They live in a time where the human species is on its last legs (alternatively, on its first legs: hunter-gatherer tribes), destroyed by climate change and nuclear war. The two clones are confronted with the life of the first Daniel and have different views about their predecessor. Scattered around are the remnants of tourist resorts, cities and consumer items and some natural humans living in small tribes without any knowledge of the past or of civilization.
None of us cared to blog about this one, because we actually didn't think much of it ???
Not a thick book but I (plus a few others) somehow didn't manage to plow through this one.... It was REALLY hard work ! Well done you guys that did manage ! Not sure if it was because of the weird storyline, the long words or just me but I found this one a very difficult (and not very good) read. Somehow I got the feeling that the other members of the book club felt the same ?
Meeting was fascinating and very enjoyable as usual. We talked about the book for at least 1 hour (that's the rule) where we discussed faith, humans, purpose etc. but then we went on to discuss other things like ... life, kids, romances etc. What was the soup we had ? Tomato ??
4 weeks ago now since that meeting and I actually can not remember much of it anymore.... so if any of you other attendees have anything else to add to this, please do.

Book 4: Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Story: At 32 years old, Elizabeth Gilbert was educated and had a home, a husband, and a successful career as a writer. However, she was unhappy in her marriage and often spent the night crying on her bathroom floor. In the midst of an affair, she separated from her husband and initiated a divorce, which he contested. The affair continued for some time but did not work out, leaving her devastated and alone. While writing an article on yoga vacations in Bali, she met a ninth-generation medicine man who told her she would come back and study with him. After finalizing her difficult divorce, she spent the next year traveling. She spent four months in Italy, eating and enjoying life (Eat). She spent four months in India, finding her spirituality (Pray). She ended the year in Bali, Indonesia, looking for "balance" of the two and found love (Love) in the form of a dashing Brazilian factory owner. The trip was paid for in advance from the book deal for Eat Pray Love.
What we thought: Good book, although we did find her annoying at times. The way she wrote, the way she thought and even the way she sounded (well, I think so anyway, as I only managed to get as far with the book as I did with the help of an audio version of the book......Finding time to sit down and solely read is a struggle !). Generally we all liked the Bali (Love) part of the book as we thought it was the most interesting and humane. India (Pray), we felt was a bit dull. Italy (eat) we thought was good as we do love food and we do love the Italian Language, so we could relate.
Meeting: Roaring fire. LOTS of delicious spicy butternut squash soup lovingly made by Jo. 5 attendees. Wine for non pregnant ladies and juice, or what ever it was for the pregnant ladies. Casual book talk (for well over an hour) , baby talk, bed wetting talk, labour-pain, de-worming and lice talk......... Reasonably early evening. Brilliant start of the week !
Next, we are planning to watch the movie and discuss that during our next meeting on 15th November.
And also, during the next meeting, the author of our next book;The Outgoing Man, Glen Neath will be joining us to discuss and share some of his wisdom. How very exciting !
Ps. We are all so proud of ourselves, that we have now finished 4 books !!! Before we started the book club, we all thought we would be too busy to read but somehow we managed. Well done Girls (and a big pat on my own back, although I didn't finish The Possibility Of An Island and I didn't technically read Eat, Pray, Love as I listened to most of it.... ) !
Jo, could you share with us the recipe of your yummy soup here ? In fact, I think we should share all soup recipes here ... after all, our meetings are as much about the soup as it is about the books, isn't it ??!
Posted by TC