Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Joyce, Tzeching, Bavani, Torie, Jo, Roo, Tania, Annelie, Ulrika ans Judy came to this feminist book discussion. Roo and Ulrika  heated soem covent garden soup and we had many amusing and interesting discussions.

Whilst I wouldn't naturally gravitate towards buying and reading this book, there have been 'moments' that I have enjoyed parts of the book and even uttered the odd chuckle. With out sounding too harsh, I am a little surprised that it won an award for 'book of the year'. Ms Moran charts the her life from late childhood through to womanhood and touches on all manner of subjects - sexism in the workplace, wedding expenditure, periods, sex, abortion etc etc. She grapples with the hefty subject of 'feminism' and the general consensus from those in the room is that she misses the point completely and seems to be battling within herself as to what it exactly entails. In short, we think she should stick to her day job of being an amusing columnist.

Its not a novel, nor a self help book, but reads more like a number of expanded columns put together to make a book. Part rant, part rave and also some funny parts. Some of it I identified with, other parts not at all. Would I recommend this book to a friend? Depends on which friend, but probably yes. Because if nothing else, it sparks some interesting conversations often with many funny anecdotes from personal experiences.

I felt the book had amusing observations on growing up. The part covering childhood was particularly true to life.  However, the rest of the book was more like a lecture although funny at times.  This is not a life story to read.  The author seems a little confused about her views on feminism. 

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